Life At The Beach 2.0

A chronicle of daily reflective walks from the beach and the adventures that ensued. Follow me and get inspired to get up and go.
Yard To Table
Yard To Table

Yard To Table

I have a small garden in the back yard where I grow summer and fall vegetables and berries. It has been a heck of challenge getting a garden going 100 yards from the Atlantic Ocean on a property where the soil is darn near 100% sand. I finally gave up trying to grow anything in…

The Blackstone Life

The Blackstone Life

The Blackstone grill has become a staple preparing meals in an outdoor fun setting You can buy a Blackstone Grill at just about any hardware store or big box store these days. I got mine on sale at BJ’s Wholesale Warehouse. Critical for my taste, it came with shelves on each side and a tray…



We had a great adventure hiking through Vermont around Lake Champlain in norther Vermont and up Mount Abraham in souther Vermont. The farmer’s market that we visited in Burlington, VT was some of the most genuine farmer’s produce, meat and foods that we have ever experienced. Hiking Mt. Abraham in Vermont was one of the…